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Paul Ryan,We Hardly Knew Ye

Updated on August 31, 2016

We now have an extreme right wing republican ticket.

As the democrats were being successful in defining Mitt Romney as a person who is out of touch with the regular people of America,the average citizen,a crusader for the rich, millionaires and billionaires ,the one percent and wall street, Mitt "Gordon Gekko"Romney,he decides to finish the job for them and chooses congressman Paul Ryan,thee Paul Ryan, the Ryan budget's Paul Ryan as his running mate.Talk about game change,now the campaign which was about a referendum on Obama,his presidency and a slow recovery and economic malaise has turned into a choice between two candidates, two parties that for the last three years have had two opposing views on how to come out of a deep recession,and even though many people do not support Obama's policies it is clear he has been successful in stopping the downward economic spiral, saving the auto industry, the collapse of the financial system and although slowly jobs are being created for the most part in the private sector, where as when he came into office hundreds of thousands of jobs were being lost every month.In the meantime the republican party has been the party of no,the party that wouldn't take yes for an answer, a party whose leaders have publicly declared their primary objective is to defeat the president and the democratic party,and obstruct any attempt to better the economy so they can win the White House in 2012.A party that has been in control of the house of representatives with the lowest approval rating in the history of the country,and a congress that has rightly been characterized as a do nothing congress.And out of this congress comes out the vicepresidential candidate for the Republican party. Of course the extreme right wing of the party, the tea party, the right wing nut talking heads are energized, excited, and motivated,but in the area the Ryan pick doesn't help is precisely the area the upcoming elections are going to be decided on according to most of the political analysts in the country both republican and democrat, and that is the independent vote.

The extreme and out of the mainstream views of representative Paul Ryan

The negative repercussions of the Ryan pick are many and some are very prominent.The biggest problem the Ryan pick presents to the campaign is the fact that it puts in play the state of Florida that was almost out of reach for the democrats because of the medicare controversy given the large number of medicare recipients that live in the state,the proverbial third rail rides again.Another problem is the Ryan Budget itself, a budget that while it is loved by the tea party, and the right wing , it is so much disliked by such a huge majority of voters than not only are republican candidates for congress running away from it as much as they can but even the presidential candidate, Ryan's own running mate at the top of the ticket has tried to distance himself from it, in some really awkward responses one day saying his budget is very similar, the next day saying it's very different and then both candidates making conflicting remarks about the subject.The woman vote is an area the Romney campaign had hoped to if not close the gender gap completely at least make some gains ,but that has gone out the window because of Ryan's position on abortion where he doesn't even concede an exception for rape and incest and wants to completely ban all abortions nationally.His support and sponsorship of the personhood law, a law so extreme that it would make in vitro fertilization a crime, because the embryos not used would be murdered according to the personhood law.A bill so extreme it was even rejected in Mississippi .And last but not least in this front the fact that Ryan is a passionate enemy of equal pay.So as a final conclusion it is evident that the Ryan pick has only one positive result for the Romney campaign which is to finally making him acceptable to the base of the party that didn't trust him and wasn't yet sold on his candidacy and make sure he will have a peaceful and united convention, but the negative effects of his choice are many and may end up costing him the election.

And now to top it off like a cherry on a dunkin donuts' coolatta after his speech at the convention he is seen as...

A pathological liar,as a commentator on FOX NEWS, yes you read it right Fox News said Ryan's speech had the most number of lies by any speaker in any political convention ever.The contribution of Paul Ryan to the republican ticket is fading faster than even the ever feared Sarah Palin, as his philosophical positions become known (his obsession with Ayn Rand) and his extreme right wing political positions come to light ( sponsoring along with his legislative pal Todd Akin anti women bills). Paul Ryan may have a squeaky clean past and there are most likely no skeletons in his closet, but if he is defined as he has been until now, none will be needed to deem him a liability more than a contribution to the ticket.


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